Executive development programme

Developing talent is fundamental to the future of any organisation; in fact, the very future of business depends on the continuous evolution innovation and adaptability of humankind, therefore developing future leaders is integral to our very survival.

Too often, there is a fusion of language in reference to leadership and executive development. We at Hatton Concepts separate these out into the following:

  • The leader
  • The art craft and science of leadership
  • Leading; the fusion of both of the above

 We have developed an executive program in support of developing aspiring leaders, fusing all key areas needed for our future leaders. Using a unique blend of ontological learning, personal growth, coaching and the science of leadership culminating in a unique experience and profoundly supporting young aspiring executives.

This is a unique opportunity, delivered individually over a nine-month period that focuses on the expansion of personal capability alongside leadership science in the development of necessary leadership characteristics to deliver quality results. Great leaders must possess multiple skills and strengths.

We at Hatton Concepts focus on the powerful combination of interpersonal skills development and results orientation for high potentials and inspiring leaders.

 For further enquiries : executivedevelopment@hattonconcepts.com