
Dawn is a refreshing time, a time filled with possibility and promise. Just as darkness brings rest and peace, so the dawn brings awakening and renewal. We stand at this threshold daily. Threshold is a hugely interesting phenomenon. In our search for lifelong meaning and achievement there are many thresholds to cross, and each filled with many possibilities. Martin Heidegger speaks about the ‘ontological priority’ of possibility. At the deepest level of being, possibility is that transformed destination of what we call events and achievement.

All things are shifting, moving and transient, silently and sometimes not so silently backwards and forwards over ‘invisible’ thresholds. One of the deepest longings and desires of the human being is the longing to be seen, to achieve and to continuously evolve and transform. To be wholesome, we must remain truthful to our wonderful complexity. In order to keep balance, we need to hold the interior and exterior visible and invisible, known and unknown together. Master Nan tells us that our most important work is to ‘resolve the separation of the division between mind and matter.’ The challenge is to remain centred, calm and hold equally the tensions of opposites in the process of creating deeper and more profound awareness.  This can be achieved through the art of suspending habitual ‘ways of being’, and inviting forward new possibilities. From this place, we can access that part of ourselves that has a deeper meaning and purpose as the ‘observer within’ operates from a place wisdom and richness to meet the exterior with a greater depth of understanding and acting in the World. What was once invisible now potentially becomes visible and is expressed in our actions and ‘way of being.’ This is when the threshold of inner life expresses itself in the outer world of work, new imagination, creativity and innovation is awakened and greatest changes take place. The mind becomes unburdened from its dualism, and the inner light, so reminiscent of Rembrandt's famous ‘Night watch’ shines through every aspect of living.

The very essence of Hatton Concepts work is to support the development of people in fully expressing whom they are, to step through those thresholds into a more desired ‘way of being.’ Thresholds have many ‘faces’ and ‘colours.’ Once the thresholds of mediocrity and distraction are stepped through the tangled networks of negativity, doubt, resentment, frailty and fear are released. From this place, there is no going back. From then on, you will never again let yourself linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment.


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