
Much has been written over time about product creation and innovative services designed to give strategic advantage. This approach is necessary.

A discussion paper on the interacting topics that contribute to the history and development of research in marketing

Although systemic studies began in the US alongside industrialisation, marketing displayed a rather scant interest in consumers. Rather, early studies found their main inspiration in German institutional economics, (Bartels, 1976, Jones and Monieson, 1990).

Contemporary debates in marketing theory and thought philosophy, including contemporary theory in practice

Marketing myopia is a term used in marketing as well as a paper by Theodore Levitt in 1960 as editor of the Harvard Business Review. Its theme is that most organisations are constricted by too narrow an understanding of what business they are in

Leadership and Change

I believe that leadership is a process that is ultimately concerned with fostering change. This is in contrast to the notion of “management,” which suggests preservation or maintenance? “Leadership” implies a process where there is movement.......

Lean Sigma within SME’s

This paper discusses Lean Sigma under three different topics;

  Leadership Role
  The ‘fad’ factor


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