About Tom Hatton

Tom is visionary, strategic and results orientated. He passionately believes in the interdependence of humankind and the need to develop sustainable profitable enterprises.

Tom has 25 years of experience in the field of human development and entrepreneurship. He is a past member of the global Board of Directors of the International Coach Federation (ICF), and is past President and a founding director of the ICF Ireland chapter. He is a lifelong learner with a primary degree in management, and more recently a Masters in “Business Development and Innovation” (2010) and Master Certified Coach (MCC). Tom's experience and his dedication to continued education enable him to deliver superior results for his clients.

Tom is best described as an ‘inventive problem solver’ and strategy oriented. Using his key strengths of ideation/strategy/empathy and action to harness vital resources to achieve results. He is consistently authentic and true to his core values. True to his Irish roots he enjoys challenges and meets these with his native courage and innate sense of humour. As a leader and team player he uses his professionalism and experience to unite and motivate colleagues to achieve desired outcomes.

His interests in human development and entrepreneurship started at an early age within his family business. This accelerated as he entered business for himself in his early 20s. With a growing awareness for personal development and how this interacts and reflecting business, Tom began his own inward journey. Resulting from this, he is now an advocate for continuous personal development and advocate for profitable sustainable business.

Email: tom.hatton@hattonconcepts.com
Office: +49 7195 583893
Mobile: +49 15123001502
Ireland: +353 863811309
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